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Ijaz Yusuf and Abiha Syed represent CSCR at workshop organized by TDAP
June 28, 2012
Ijaz Yusuf, Director CSCR, and Abiha Syed, Research Associate, represented CSCR, and actively participated in a workshop organized by the Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) on value addition and export in rice in Pakistan at Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore on June 28, 2012. Several rice mill owners and executives from all over Pakistan attended this workshop and gave presentations regarding rice production, export and value added products that are coming up in the form of bread, starch, flour, cosmetics, etc.

Discussion panel was also conducted at the end of the session. Ijaz Yusuf was one of the panel members. The participants raised the issue that rice has the potential to become a high value asset for Pakistan’s economy but nothing has been done to add value to its production in order to harness optimal utilization. Moreover, they also pointed out the lack of innovation in the sector. Rice production stagnated over the past few years and might even fall gradually if corrective measures are not taken. India’s production and export has increased considerably. But Pakistan, which is the third largest rice exporter in the world, is underutilizing the basmati rice sector.

The panel gave answers to the questions raised by the participants and they all agreed that retail marketing should be prioritised by giving incentives for developing basmati brands. Registration of trademarks and geographical indication of basmati should also be pressed. In addition to, Pakistan need to add value to basmati crop by focusing on the by-products of rice because a lot of revenue can be generated from rice husk, tips and powder.
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