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7th CSCR Forum
December 14, 2011

The CSCR Supply Chain Forum, Dr Hasan Murad School of Management (HSM), UMT organized a seminar on “Suppliers Quality Assurance; Supply Chain Perspective”. The seminar was attended by more than 40 participants from industries as well as UMT faculty members and students. 

The proceedings began with recitation of some verses from the Holy Quran by Ahmad Afzal, President OSCC, UMT.  Abiha Syed, Research Associate, Center for Supply Chain Research (CSCR), welcomed all participants and explained the Center's activities for industry and academia.

The guest speaker Sohail Qaisar, National Logistics Manager, specializes increasingly in the management of CNC manufacturing of precise engine parts, assembly of components with latest assembly techniques, SAP based  purchasing and distribution from supply chain perspective. During his presentation, he enlightened the importance of suppliers quality assurance as the ultimate objective of both Quality Management and Supply Chain Management (SCM) is continuous improvement and customer satisfaction. He further added that QM has widespread industrial adoption and is executed in every supply chain due to the fact that every company is a part of at least one supply chain. There are several benefits that can be gained by applying QM in the supply chain.

The participants discussed some of the challenges faced by the organizations regarding suppliers’ quality assurance during question and answer session. The speaker gave detailed answers to all questions to the satisfaction of all concerned.

At the end of the seminar, Ijaz Yusuf, Director, CSCR, thanked the speaker and participants of the seminar. In his closing remarks, he wrapped up the session by summarizing the topic and spoke about the Centers’ objective which is to act as a bridge between industry and academia.
Last but not least, Ijaz Yusuf presented a shield to Sohail Qaisar. The seminar ended with light refreshments for the participants who enjoyed themselves and interacted with each other informally.


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