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5th CSCR Supply Chain Forum
May 12, 2011

The Centre For Supply Chain Research (CSCR) organized its 5th Forum. Hassan Asif, Quality Assurance Manager Packages Pvt. Limited, was the guest speaker. The seminar was attended by more than 30 supply chain professionals from different organizations, faculty members of the Dr Hasan Murad School of Management, and supply chain students.

Muhammad Ahmad Afzal, student UMT, recited some verses from the Holy Quran. Abiha Syed, Research Coordinator, Center for Supply Chain Research, welcomed all participants and explained the Centers’ ongoing activities for industry and academia. She invited the guest speaker Hassan Asif to share his experience in his related field. Hassan has a diverse and rich blend of experience in Quality Management Systems and Production Operations for more than 7 years with Packages Ltd.

The guest speaker highlighted the scope of Zero Defect Supplies (ZDS) in business strategy
development and its impact on overall cost cutting as well as enhancing customer satisfaction. His practical experience sharing during the presentation helped to deliver the concept to professionals and students with current examples. This made the session more effective in communicating the knowledge to the participants.

After the interesting and interactive session and the presentation by the speaker, the participants pointed out some major challenges related to quality control tools, production planning and maintaing customer satisfaction.

At the end of the seminar, Abiha Syed thanked the speaker and all the participants for their active contribution to this event. Asher Ramish, Director Graduate Studies, presented a shield and certificate to the speaker as a token of appreciation for coming to UMT. Refreshments were served after the seminar. All the participants interacted with each other informally and enjoyed themselves.

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