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Seminar: Introduction to SAP for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
October 19, 2010

The CSCR Supply Chain Forum, Dr Hasan Murad School of Management (HSM), UMT, and Small and Medium Enterprise Development Authority (SMEDA) organized a seminar on “Introduction to SAP for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) - Accounting and Finance” on October 19, 2010. The seminar was attended by more than 30 supply chain professionals representing different organizations.

The event started with the recitation of some verses from the Holy Quran by Dawood Ilyas Butt, Assistant Professor, UMT. Javaid Afzal introduced SMEDA. He told the participants about the objectives of setting up SMEDA, how it helps individuals to start their own businesses, and the facilities that it provides to customers. Javaid asked everyone to check out the SMEDA website as it offers a wide range of benefits to its customers.
Ijaz Yusuf, Director CSCR, threw light on the importance of SAP for ERP. He said that no organization can survive without technology in today’s competitive world, so one must befriend technology. He said that financial decisions are the most crucial decisions within any organization and this requires the use of latest technology. He was of the view that ERP offers the best solutions for making complex accounting and financial decisions. Ijaz said that ERP is an integrated computer based system that is used to manage internal and external resources including tangible assets, financial resources, materials and human resources. It is an application and a software architecture whose purpose is to facilitate the flow of information between all business functions inside the boundaries of the organization and manage connections to outside stakeholders.

Mubassir Hussain introduced some concepts of accounting and finance with respect to ERP. He explained how ERP can help an organization to achieve higher values. ERP can be used to reduce time and increase productivity of the business cycle. As such, it is a must learn tool.
After the presentation, a brief question and answer session was held. All the participants took an active part in this session.

At the end, Dawood Ilyas Butt distributed shields to the speakers. The seminar ended with light refreshments for the participants who enjoyed themselves while interacting with each other informally.

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