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SPA launches Master in School Management Program
August 3, 2010
An introduction seminar for the launch of Master in School Management (MSM) was organized by the School of Professional Advancement (SPA) at the University of Management and Technology (UMT) Lahore, on August 03, 2010. School heads and perspective school heads from the private and public sectors were invited for a briefing of the major features of the MSM program, followed by a complimentary lunch. The proceedings started with the recitation of some verses from the Holy Quran. Dr Naveed Yazdani, Director SPA, provided a brief introduction of SPA. He highlighted the objectives of setting up SPA and the scope of the programs offered by the School. The MSM degree program was highlighted by Farah Naz, the Program Head. She discussed the importance of the MSM program for the professional enhancement of the school heads and senior teachers. She said that school management and leadership have become a priority in the education policy agendas internationally, playing a key role in improving school outcomes by influencing the motivations and the capacities of teachers, as well as the school environment. She pointed out that effective school management is essential for improving the efficiency and equity of schooling. As countries seek to adapt their education systems to the needs of contemporary society, expectation for schools and school leaders are changing. She said that this program is ideally suited for people, who are working in the education sector and but want to take their career to the next level. The degree in school management is suitable for current and aspiring leaders in all education sectors and agencies. They will get an opportunity to advance their knowledge of school management by exploring issues such as effective leadership/ management, policy and strategy, human resource, economics, complexities of organizations and teams. The briefing was followed by a question/ answer session in which the participants cleared their doubts and gave their suggestions for the success of the program.
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