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Drugs Prevention and Awareness among Youth
February 3, 2017
Institute of Clinical Psychology-ICP, UMT has always made remarkable contribution in spreading awareness in community particularly among the student population. One such step was taken in organizing seminar on "Drugs Prevention and Awareness among Youth” in collaboration with Global Welfare Organization GWO, which was attended by students, alumni and faculty members of ICP along with the representatives from GWO. Dr. Zahid Mahmood, Director ICP gave the opening remarks and welcomed the chief guest Brigadier Khalid Mehmood Goraya Force Commander Anti-Narcotics Force Punjab. Ms Sobia Ikram, resource person GWO conducted a brief interactive session with audience related to patterns of drug use, attributes of the drug addict, causal and prognostic factors leading towards drug addiction. Dr. Zafar Iqbal Mian, Chairman Global Welfare Organization and Rehab Center motivated the students to join hands against drug addiction to eradicate it from the society and to make healthy and productive nation. Chief guest Brigadier Khalid Mehmood highlighted the role of Anti-Narcotics Force in taking steps towards drug demand reduction and making Pakistan a drug free country. He showed his personal interest in making people especially students aware of this menace for the better progress and prosperity of the nation. Dr. Hassan Sohaib Murad, Rector UMT highlighted that in the realm of an institute it is a serious responsibility to minimize and eradicate this menace as it is a great source of deterioration of a person and society at large. He told about the efforts of UMT in making it a drug free institute and also gave valuable suggestions to accelerate such efforts at public level. He acknowledged and appreciated contribution of ICP in initiating, organizing and promoting such activities. While giving the concluding remarks Dr. Zahid Mahmood, Director ICP shed light on the efforts of Institute of Clinical Psychology for the community. He told about the course structure of MS Clinical and Counseling Psychology where assessment and management of Drug addiction is taken as compulsory part of the teaching and training. Significant contribution has also been made in exploring the Bio, Psycho, Social and Spiritual aspects of drug addiction (in assessment, intervention and prevention) through research in various MS and Ph.D research dissertations. He also informed the audience about giving an eminent representation of empirical papers on drug addiction to be presented in the scientific session on “Marginalized population in ICP’s upcoming 1st international conference in March. He also put forth the idea to start a short training program on Drug addiction for students in future. In the end a three year Memorandum of Understanding was signed between ICP, UMT and GWO in collaborating and continuing their efforts on the said issue. ICP looks forward for organizing more collaborative activities and making efforts for the benefit of its students and society
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