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Workshop: Lean sigma application in garment manufacturing
February 4, 2010

A one-day workshop on ‘Lean Sigma Application in Garment Manufacturing’ was held by GEN-PROM Punjab for UMT students, faculty members, and representatives of the garment and clothing industry. Consultants from Technopak Advisors Limited conducted the workshop with Rakesh Ranjan, Senior Consultant, Technopak as the instructor. He was assisted by Prabhat Pande, Consultant, and Abhishek Kumar Singh, Associate Consultant, Technopak.

Attended by thirty-five participants, the workshop was the first among a series of workshops planned for capturing the essence of Lean Sigma which is a hybrid of lean manufacturing and six sigma. Lean Sigma is a relatively new concept and the workshop highlighted its practical applications in the garment manufacturing industry.

Rakesh Ranjan defined six sigma as a modern management concept or technique in which the participation of people is highly valued.High process velocity in manufacturing is called lean manufacturing (‘lean’ being the elimination of waste), whereas six sigma can be defined as a tool for improving quality. An exercise was carried out to demonstrate that six sigma trains the participants to innovate without the help of infrastructural tools and encourages out-of-the-box thinking. Participants were asked to divide a piece of paper into five equal parts. Later, Rakesh showed them how it could be done.

Prabhat Pande gave an overview of the garment industryand its working. Abhishek Kumar Singh explained the visual management system. Addressing on the occasion, Syed Iqbal Kidvai, GM SMEDA, said that the organization waslobbying to promote SME friendly policies by using resource persons from Japan, Germany and Korea. Sajeel Butt, NPM GEN-PROM Punjab, discussed the nature and scope of the project and how it aims todisseminate best practices to the industry and students.

Earlier, the opening remarks were given by Noor Aslam Khan, Coordinator Events and Forum while the welcome note was delivered by Dr Nabeel Amin.The participants were also given feedback forms to gauge their perception of the workshop proceedings. The feedback was very positive as the participants found the workshop to be very informative.

The concluding remarks were given by Dr Nabeel Amin, who thanked the participants for attending the workshop and the presenters for the effort they had put into conducting it. At the end, souvenirs were also given to the presenters as a mark of appreciation for taking the time to educate visit UMT.

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