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MoU paves the way towards strategic alliance between UMT and NPO
November 14, 2009

UMT and National Productivity Organization (NPO), Ministry of Industries, Investment and Special Initiatives, Pakistan signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on November 14, 2009. The occasion was graced by the presence of  Ejaz Rasool Chaudhry General Manager,  NPO, Pakistan and Chief Asian Productivity Organization (APO), Pakistan, Muhammad Kashif Afzal, Manager NPO Lahore Region, Prof Dr A R Kausar, Pro-Rector, UMT, Dr Nabeel Amin, Chairman, Department of Textiles, UMT, senior faculty members, guests from the industry and students. The MOU was signed by Dr A R Kausar and Ejaz Rasool Chaudhry who represented their respective institutions.

The ceremony started with the recitation of a few verses from the Holy Quran. A G Ghaffari, Head OCM and Director EFP, gave the welcome note and highlighted the importance of the strategic alliance between NPO and UMT while emphasizing the importance of academia-industry linkages for the enhancement of quality and productivity of the industrial sector in the country.

Muhammad Kashif Afzal gave a comprehensive presentation highlighting the roles and responsibilities of NPO and APO. He gave special emphasis on the role of NPO in the development of public and private sectors of the country and activities targeting the youth. He said that NPO operated in a wide domain covering productivity, benchmarking, energy efficiency, knowledge management, quality, six sigma, training and development, research, etc. He also elaborated the benefits accruing from the MOU signed between NPO and UMT.

Addressing on the occasion, Ejaz Rasool Chaudhry offered his cooperation to UMT and hoped that both the stakeholders will go a long way in the productive journey that had begun with the signing of the MOU. He appreciated the efforts of Dr Nabeel Amin towards the practical realization of the MOU and expressed his willingness to involve students and faculty of UMT in projects in research and development, energy efficiency, productivity, etc.

Delivering vote of thanks, Dr A R Kausar congratulated NPO on its progress and emphasized the need to start activities in the field of Knowledge Management in Pakistan. He acknowledged the efforts of Dr Nabeel Amin, and said that the Department of Textiles would go a long way under his leadership.

At the end, souvenirs were distributed to the distinguished guests. Dr A R Kausar presented UMT souvenirs to Ejaz Rasool Chaudhry, GM NPO and Muhammad Kashif Afzal, Manager NPO Lahore Region. The GM NPO reciprocated this good will gesture by presenting the NPO souvenir and flag to Dr A R Kausar.

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