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Renowned artist Dr Ajaz Anwar lectures on history of Old Lahore
April 30, 2010
The Department of Textiles, School of Science and Technology (SST), arranged a seminar on the history of Old Lahore for students of the Bachelor of Textile and Fashion Design (BTFD) on April 30, 2010. Dr Nabeel Amin, In-charge Department of Textiles, SST, welcomed the faculty members, students and guests to the seminar. He also introduced Dr Ajaz Anwar, the honorable speaker of the seminar.
Dr Anwar is a renowned artist and specializes in water colors. In 1997, he was awarded the Pride of Performance for outstanding work in the field of painting. He has traveled and worked in different parts of the world. His paintings have been exhibited several times in different national and international exhibitions.
Addressing on the occasion, he spoke about the different localities and gates of Old Lahore, and narrated how he used to wander around these areas which served as an inspiration for his paintings. He focused on the culture and the change in environment due to the development of the city. He also highlighted the difference of the urban and rural civilization in context of Old Lahore. Pictures of Old Lahore were also shown on multimedia, In the end, question and answer session was also held.
Later, Dr Nabeel Amin thanked all the participants for attending the event and invited Dr Sarwar Rana to present the UMT souvenir to the distinguished guest.