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Seminar: Khas Hai Tarkeeb Mein Qaum-e- Rasool-Hashmi
May 8, 2013
A special seminar was organized by the School of Professional Advancement (SPA) to explore the intellectual horizons of the Muslim Ummah. Ali Murtaza Zaidi, social scientist and educational entreprenuer, Founder of Hadi School System, Karachi, was the guest speaker. Rector UMT Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad also spoke on the occasion.
The seminar focused on the theme that those who think that it is hard to go against the winds of time and that it is not possible to create a transformation in running systems and revival of Islamic civilization need to re-think their hypothesis. What is needed is an intellectual analysis to prove that belief and courage are more important.
The seminar was attended by intellectuals and faculty members.